
Altiverb 6 tutorial
Altiverb 6 tutorial

altiverb 6 tutorial

I change the output of the synths to the reverb I want, dry instruments getting the wetter one. I'm currently using two Spaces instances for an orchestral work, both with the same Hall, but one with a bit more wet signal, which I adjusted directly on the Spaces instance. This does not involve using sends, and you have less control, unless you have more than one reverb instance. Or you can go with the simpler method of just outputting the synth directly to the reverb instance. The difference comes from the sends, which you adjust for each inst. This allows you to adjust each instrument or group, with only one reverb instance. Sonar has some excellent tutorials on this. To have it on each instrument, you need to use multiple outputs on your synth. You use the 'sends' on the console control panels. It is indeed possible to have just have one Altiverb instance for all the instruments (or sections). In that case, you might want a separate reverb just for that instrument, but even then I'd try using the send pan control first. You might want a left-panned instrument's reverb to be unnaturally stronger on the right, for instance, for a ping-pong effect. Of course, sometimes "natural" isn't what you're after. Which is a long-winded way of saying you'll be OK using a single instance of Altiverb on a reverb bus without compromising the placement of orchestral instruments. It's what anyone who's attended an actual concert would expect.

altiverb 6 tutorial

That's not a bad thing, especially when it comes to acoustical instruments and the classical orchestra. Reverb, whether natural or electronic, necessarily blurs the panorama. Those reflections take a little longer to get to your ear due to the longer distance traveled, are quieter and have less high-frequency content in them. That doesn't mean that the violins stay entirely on the left, though, because in a real room they also reflect off the right-hand wall and hit the listener's ear from that direction.

altiverb 6 tutorial

In a real room, the earliest, loudest and brightest reflections emanate from the same side of the room as the instrument. The purpose of this design is to mimic each instrument's position in the panorama within the reverb signal, in a manner similar to what a real physical space does. The first violin section, for example, will be mostly handled by the left reverb channel, while cellos are mostly handled by the right channel. Altiverb is a "true" stereo convolution reverb, meaning that it processes left and right channels independently.

Altiverb 6 tutorial